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Newsletters 76-100

Friends of Malvern Springs and Wells promote research, conservation and celebration of the Springs, Spouts, Fountains and Holy Wells of the Malvern Hills and of Great Malvern as a Spa Town. This provides a vehicle for our international friendship with Malverns Worldwide. Our occasional newsletters are archived on line - click the relevant booklet below to go to a specific newsletter. This service is provided in recognition of the value of the newsletters as a research and general information tool. The copyright of all material remains with the originators and any use made of the information contained therein should be acknowledged by source, authors and date.

NEWSLETTER 100 dated November 2020.     
100th Newsletter, Bottling Works Spring, our first ever Newsletter, The Grange in Great Malvern, Holy Well flow, Circumnavigation for Malvern Appreciation Day, National Park proposal, Malvern in Iowa, Malvern in Victoria, Foley Fountain, 1956 letter, mailing list, Malverns on Facebook. 
NEWSLETTER 99 dated September 2020.     
News from Malvern Victoria, Malvern Iowa, Mulberry Recipes, Annual Chicken Dance, St Werstan and  history of Malvern, Malverns on Facebook, New Book Review, the water cure restaurant, Court Road Spout.. 
NEWSLETTER 98 dated July 2020.      
Donkey Shed Refurbishment, Malvern Motel, Malverns on Facebook, Other Foley Fountain, Witches of Malvern, White Mulberry Tree, Royal Malvern Medallion.. 
NEWSLETTER 97 dated May 2020.      
Special coronavirus edition detailing experiences in Malverns the world over. This newsletter is to a new format which we hope readers will find interesting to read. 
NEWSLETTER 96 dated April 2020.     
Foley Fountain update, Malvern Treasures at MHDC, New Insights into Werstan and Aldwyn's Founding of Malvern PART  TWO, Burrows Bottling Works, Malvern IOWA celebrates 150th Anniversary, Well Decorating and Florence Nightingale.
NEWSLETTER 95 dated February 2020.     
Malvern Treasures presented to District Council, Springs and Wells elsewhere, Malvern Hills National Park update, Pevensey Castle, Misleading Slip-ups: Caractacus at British Camp and Dr Wilson's Hydro, New Insights into Werstan and Aldwyn's Founding of Malvern PART ONE, Malverns and Britain Worldwide. 
NEWSLETTER 94 dated December 2019.   
Malvern Appreciation Day Malvern Toronto, Foley Fountain in trouble, Spa bathing in Graham Road Great Malvern, Malvern Ohio joins Malverns Worldwide. 
NEWSLETTER 93 dated October 2019.   
Malverns Worldwide visitors ring the Priory Bells, Malvern is a racehorse, Malvern Holy Well before the 16th century, Jacob's Fountain and Theatres refurbishment, Eight reasons for the Malvern Hills National Park, Blast from the past with Malverns Worldwide. 
NEWSLETTER 92 dated August 2019.      
Malvern Maldives shock at Heathrow, What International Visitors come to see, Misleading Slip-Ups with Well Decorating, Friends of Malvern Priory engage with visitors, Malvern Colleges Worldwide, Friends turns up in Malvern Australia, Malvern Appreciation Day thought. 

NEWSLETTER 91 dated June 2019.      
Well Decorating flies to Malvern Jamaica, Councillor celebrates election, Mulberry Tree Restaurant opens, Joanna's Well rediscovered, Morden Hall Mulberry Forest, Malvern Barbados celebrates second planting, Evendine Spring and Heavy Metals correction, Foley Fountain shelter, Envoy from Graefenberg. 
NEWSLETTER 90 dated May 2019.      
Malvern Barbados Celebrates with Mulberry Tree planting and National Trust Open Day, Trump comes to Malvern England, Malvernberry Pie origins and recipe, Crimean Cannons and Walsall's drinking fountain, Evendine Spring and heavy metals, Promoting Malverns Worldwide, Seven Malverns and a Mulberry Tree,  New: Mulberry Tree Restaurant and bar. 
NEWSLETTER 89 dated March 2019. 
Malvern Barbados Mulberry Tree planting and National Trust Open Day, Malvern Hills National Park proposal discussion document, Well Decorating 2019,  Dog Poo lamp inventor, 1788 fountain Port Gayole Boulogne, St Lawrence's Well Isle of Wight and Lady Somerville's Diaries. A Japanese Malvernologist.     
NEWSLETTER 88 dated January 2019. 
Malvern North Carolina, Happy Valley Spout, Mulberry Plaque, New Water Feature Malvern Worcesershire, Hand Pumps Sandwich and Malvern Iowa, Malvern at Deal in Kent, Coal Mining in Malvern, Gifts from Malvern Iowa, Malvernberry Pie.     
NEWSLETTER 87 dated November 2018.
Malvern Illinois and Malvern Iowa and the Lincoln Trail, Aboriginal Record for Malvern Melbourne, Mulberry Tree Barbados, Banff Memorial Fountain, New Horizons with Malverns Worldwide, Cottage in the Wood Spout, Web site on-line information destroyed.     
NEWSLETTER 86 dated September 2018. 
Mulberry Tree project LATE NEWS JUST IN, Morvern Scotland, Malvernensis New Holiday Lodge, William Langland window, Malvern Stars bikes, a surprise Treasure Plate.     
NEWSLETTER 85 dated July 2018. 
Mulberry Tree goes worldwide, Well Decorating 2018 and Founder's Prize. Holywell water for Megan and Harry Royal Wedding, Droitwich Baths and Spa makes a comeback and saline therapies, Harrogate Natural Waters under threat, Data Protection and Friends, Tenbury Spa pump rooms ruin.     
NEWSLETTER 84 dated May 2018. 
Pump Room Frieze to Tenbury Museum, Silk - Mulberry Tree Secret, St Ann's Reopens with OOOoopps, Weird Incident at Hay Slad, Springs in Jeopardy after failing tests, Jamaica trip abandoned, Malvern Appreciation Day in South Africa.   
NEWSLETTER 83 dated March 2018. 
Malverns Coburg Baths v Blandford Forum fountain, The magnificent Dudley Fountain, Tenbury Pump Rooms Frieze, Malverns Worcestershire and Johannesburg reveal golden past, St Julian's Chapel and Well, Elgar Square and Malverns Worldwide Visitor Experience, Malvern Holy Well and Foley Fountain, 2018 Well Decorating 25th year.

Email: Bruce@malvernspa.com (click here to send an email)

Website: Click Here


 NEWSLETTER 82 dated January 2018.  
Malvern Plantation House, Barbados, Malverns League of Locations, Lamalou le Bains, Tenbury Wells Pump Room artefact, Malvern cricket bat, Seal of Friendship.     
NEWSLETTER 81 dated December 2017.
Malvern Appreciation Day flag from Malverne New York flown, Chantry Well unearthed, British Camp reservoir to become a pond? No chalybeate waters at Tunbridge Wells spa and Buxton well turned off, Malvern Barbados joins Malverns Worldwide, another English Malvern.     
NEWSLETTER 80 dated October 2017. 
Mulberry Tree cuttings taken in Malvern Australia, Cora scoots around the world, medieval Waumeswell rediscovered in West Malvern, street fountains in Northern England, Holy Well facelift, origins of Malvern and Abbey of Fontfroid, Southern France,  Malvern Queensland Australia, Malvernologists discover Malvern Johannesburg,  Florence Nightingale and spring waters.     
NEWSLETTER 79 dated August 2017. 
Malvern Council receive gifts from Malvern Pennsylvania, Malvernologist coordinator, Malvern Springs new town in Western Australia, religions, mythology and the link with springs and wells, Cora on Bargain Hunt, Mulberry Tree update in Priory Park Great Malvern, Coggans Well, Tiverton in Devon, pump restorer wanted for St Andrew's pump, Malvern Hills Road Train.   
NEWSLETTER 78 dated June 2017.  
April Fools Gold fake news, Chapel Pump comes to light, Cora and Bruce in Malverns US as envoys of Malverns Worldwide, meeting to further Malverns Worldwide project, mystery picture reveals all, Tank House arises from the ashes following redevelopment of the Malvern Water Bottling Works site, Well Decorating 2017.     
NEWSLETTER 77 dated April 2017.
Gold Mining secrets of the Malvern Hills, Newport Docks fountain IOW., Malverns Worldwide update,  romance at Holy Well, mystery card of vicarage, 25 years anniversary of Cora and Bruce, Hampton spout and pool gone, Malvhina decorated, Route to the Hills project..     
NEWSLETTER 76 dated February 2017. 
Malverne New York gift received by Malvern Hills District Council chairman, mystery Donkey Spout near Great Malvern, Civic Week plans, Poolend Spout linked mystery structure in Clarence Road property, Malverns Worldwide future, Eye Well enclosure, spring time on the hills with a spring water source on North Hill.  

The Newsletter Archive and Index for numbers 1 - 25. 
The Newsletter Archive and Index for numbers 26 - 50.
The Newsletter Archive and Index for numbers 51- 75.
The Newsletter Archive and Index for numbers 76 - 100.
The Newsletter Archive and Index for numbers 101 - 125.

Malverns Worldwide
Malvern Hills - arguably Britain's original National Park
Springs and Wells General Interest
Friends Newsletter

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