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Newsletters 1-25

NEWSLETTER 25 dated February 2009.

Royal Well Award; Coach Tour Dates; The Malvern Spa; Bottled Water Market; Hospital Fountain Alert; Holy Wells Review; Saints Review; St Mary's Spring; Cleudo; Drinking Water Regulations; OOOOoooops; Darwin in Malvern.

NEWSLETTER 24 dated December 2008.
Great Malvern Water Trail; Royal Well Nomination; Cleobury and Langland; Holy Well Upgrade; New Spa Report; Cwm Dale Spring; St Werstan and Birkbeck; Nightingale Fountain Scutari.

 NEWSLETTER 23 dated August 2008.

Qinetic's conference room naming; Florence Nightingale in Malvern; St Werstan's labyrinth plan; Colwall Compensation Water; Coca-Cola President visits Colwall for St Werstan Award; Doc Holliday's Connection with Glenwood Springs; Belu bottles that self destruct; Malvern Spa in Townsend Way; the fountains of Spili.

NEWSLETTER 22 dated June 2008.
David's Bifurcating Spout; St Werstan's Labyrinth and Flying Birds in Rosebank Gardens; Malvern's new spa uses local water; Coca-Cola support for St Werstan Award and other local initiatives; May Day on Priory Park; Shoot out at Glenwood Spring mystery; Buxton trip for Spa development; Tecopa Hot Springs and Labyrinth; Legendary Annual Coach Tour; Wells House development; Barnards Green Fountain.

 NEWSLETTER 21 dated March 2008.
Annual Coach Tour; Freshford Thermal Springs; Danubius Bath trip; St Werstan's Labyrinth update; Heritage Lottery Funded Restorations at Holywell, Royal Well, Beauchamp Spout, West Malvern Spout, Jubilee Fountain; Bifurcating Spout missing; Californian mosaic fountain, The Spa at Oldends; future trips planned.

 NEWSLETTER 20 dated December 2007.
Danubius in Malvern; Freshford Thermal Springs, Restorations update at Ellerslie, Lower Wyche Spout, Hay Slad, Weaver's Well, Clock Tower, Westminster Bank, Lord Sandys Spout, Winds Point Spout, Willow Spring, Jubilee Fountain; Turkish Baths at Bethnal Green; St Werstan Award to Court Road Spout; Dates for 2008, St Werstan's Labyrinth, Murder at Hartlebury Castle; Mystery of Pub Spa; Forgotten Baths come to light.
 NEWSLETTER 19 dated October 2007.
St Werstan Award Court Road Spout; Hay Slad Marriage, Saint Lawrence Spring Isle Of Wight; Local Floods and Malvern Water; Lost St Werstan Artefact; Labyrinth; Holy Wells; Clock Tower; Bad History; Buxton Trip Report; HLF Update.

 NEWSLETTER 18 dated June 2007.
Court Road Spout; Well Watchers; Labyrinth Update; New Guide; Rocky Mountains Springs; Civic Society Buxton Trip; Coach Tour Report; Origins and Cataclysm; Protection of Springs Delays.

 NEWSLETTER 17 dated April 2007.
Court Road Spout; Postcard Map; New Spa Development; Clock Tower; Labyrinth; Reprint St Werstan; 2 Malvern Coach Tours; Buxton Trip; St Ann's Well; Tewkesbury Spa.

 NEWSLETTER 16 dated February 2007.
Stonehenge; Malvern Water new label; St Werstan's Labyrinth; Clock Tower Path Damaged; Drop the Dead Donkey; St Ann's Well Nomination; Diary Dates; Wells and Spas Discussion List.

 NEWSLETTER 15 dated December 2006.
Illumination of St Werstan; Buxton with Civic Society; Well Decorating; BBC Series; HLF Project Update; Calistoga Springs; Dripping Well; St Ann's Well Nomination; Trip Report Llandrindod; Myrtles Fountain; Tractor Train.

NEWSLETTER 14 dated July 2006.
Stone Bottle Fountain Award; Occasional Paper on St Werstan; St Ann's Train; Owls Hole Pump; Holy Well; Clock Tower; Hot Springs USA; Coach Tour; OOOooops; Mini Plaques; Llandrindod with Civic Society; Water Trail; April Fools.

NEWSLETTER 13 dated March 2006.
Stone Bottle Fountain; Holy Well Vandalised; Tractor Train; St Werstan Paper; Well Wardens Public Liability; Coach Tour; Owls Hole Pump; Walking Festival; Malvern Fringe; Llandrindod; Great Malvern Water Trail; OOOoooops; Archive Material.

NEWSLETTER 12 dated January 2006.
St Werstan Award; Camber Well; Howard Miller; Club Mosses; Illumination of St Werstan; Village Pumps and Wells; St Werstan Window; Coach Tour, Llandrindod Visit; Water Trail; Owls Hole Pump; HLF Restorations update; St Ann's Well; West Malvern Spa.

NEWSLETTER 11 dated November 2005.
Spagazer Spectacular Places Award, Devon Pump Restoration, Elan Aqueduct, St Werstan Award Penny Cottage, HLF and Funding for Springs and Wells Restorations, Owls Hole Pump update.

NEWSLETTER 10 dated July 2005.
New St Werstan Award for Enhancement of Water Heritage, St Werstan local patron saint of Malvern's springs and wells, Malvern Pride Week water trail, rescue of Lord Sandys Spout, Daylesford and Hepburn Springs, Penny Cottage nomination, Chaplin  in The Cure rare film footage, Owls Hole Pump Garden party.
NEWSLETTER 9 dated May 2005.
May Day celebrations, Droitwich Lido uproar, Well Decorating 2005, Springs and Wells Legendary Coach Tour, Tenbury Wells Area Water Trail Guide, OOOOoooops Civic Society and Wardens, Steam Pump acquisition, Rare Film Footage laugh your socks off, Owls Hole Pump Garden Party.

NEWSLETTER 8 dated April 2005.
Springs need Friends, Spa Souvenir from America, Pictures in the web,  Mystery Spout, Bottling Malvern Water, Recent Acquisitions, 30th April are you in Malvern? Ode to Well Wardens, Diary Dates.

NEWSLETTER 7 dated March 2005.
Golf Club Spout, Springs and Wells and the Civic Society, Aqueduct, Friends and the severance from the MSA, Earl Beauchamp's Spout, Civic Society investigate Water Bottling, Vitalised Water, Diary Dates.
NEWSLETTER 6 dated February 2005.
Your Views on Malvern Water Bottling - Civic Society Springs into Action.

NEWSLETTER 5 dated January 2005.
Civic Society Malvern Water Bottling lecture, Controversial Views Valentine Day Trip, Well Wardens Status, Mineral Water Pump Electrified.

NEWSLETTER 4 dated December 2004.
Fine Future for Foley Fountain, Discovering Springs and Wells lecture, Owls Hole Pump and Engine, Ancient Well Pump and Windlass, Heritage Lottery Funding for up to 20 sites, are you a WWW? Great Malvern Water Trail new publication, Abberley and Malvern Hills European Geopark, Malvern Water Bottling from Walm's Well statements.

NEWSLETTER 3 dated November 2004.
Discovering Springs and Wells lecture, Civic Society and Malvern Spa Association termination of incorporation, Are You Being Hijacked?
NEWSLETTER 2 dated August 2004.
Misleading letter being received.

NEWSLETTER 1 dated July 2004.
Meet the Well Wardens, Civic Society Restructuring.

Email: bruce@thespas.co.uk (click here to send an email)

Website: Click Here


The Newsletter Archive and Index for numbers 1 - 25. 

The Newsletter Archive and Index for numbers 26 - 50.
The Newsletter Archive and Index for numbers 51- 75.
The Newsletter Archive and Index for numbers 76 - 100.
The Newsletter Archive and Index for numbers 101 - 125.

Malvern Hills - arguably Britain's original National Park
Springs and Wells General Interest

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