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Newsletters 51-75

Friends of Malvern Springs and Wells promote research, conservation and celebration of the Springs, Spouts, Fountains and Holy Wells of the Malvern Hills and of Great Malvern as a Spa Town. Our occasional newsletters are archived on line - click the relevant booklet below to go to a specific newsletter. This service is provided in recognition of the value of the newsletters as a research and general information tool. The copyright of all material remains with the originators and any use made of the information contained therein should be acknowledged by source, authors and date.
 NEWSLETTER 75 dated December 2016.
Malverne New York declares 10 October 2016 Malvern England Appreciation Day, New Brine Well in Droitwich, Mystery Donkey Spout, St Werstan - Founding Father of Malverns Worldwide and Patron Saint of Malvern Springs and Wells.
 NEWSLETTER 74 dated October 2016.
The Hands of Friendship Reach Out with Malverns World Wide, Unique Creativity with Queen's Bottle, Mulberry Scion by Myfanwy Fox, New book - Florence Nightingale and the Malvern Water Cure, Misleading Slip Ups - Losely Mulberry Tree and Malvern's GBS tree, Hollow Tree Trunks for Spring Containment, Lionel Shorestone.
 NEWSLETTER 73 dated August 2016. 
Two Malverns and a Mulberry Tree - WE HAVE DONE IT, Misleading Slip-ups Award Wilson Memorial plot, Marienbad Singing Fountain and the Elgar Fountain. Stone bottle response from New York.
 NEWSLETTER 72 dated June 2016. 
Two Malverns and a Mulberry Tree Last Minute Reminder, Weavers Well gets St Werstan Award, Marienbad visit - another twin, Water Water Everywhere, noir any drop to drink, New Evidence on the demise of West Malvern Spa, Mystery of Earl Beauchamp's Fountain.
 NEWSLETTER 71 dated May 2016.
Two Malverns and a Mulberry Tree Event Day June 2016, Programme for the day, Schweppes Grotto, Festival of Britain From out of the Gloom Belle Vue Terrace Monsters, Australian Past Sacrifices, Many Malverns Part One Australasia, Well Decorating 2016.
 NEWSLETTER 70 dated March 2016.
Lodge Fountain up and running, Enigma Fountain to be Demolished? Wilson Memorial Replacement, Two Malverns and a Mulberry Diary Date and plans, unveiling the Mulberry Tree, Malvern Victoria Australia springs and wells.
 NEWSLETTER 69 dated January 2016.
Springs and Wells Stamp, St Ann's Well picture response, St Werstan Award New Myrtles Fountain, David Habershon and Tudor House, Unveiling Mulberry Tree date, Tank House Colwall update, Cadbury Saline Wetland Reserve, Epsom Salts Well, Brine Bathing Benefits, Methodology for Alleviating Painful Joints.
 NEWSLETTER 68 dated November 2015.
Lodge Fountain Restoration, New Myrtles Spring, repair and St Werstan Award ballot, Recent Discovery - St Ann's Well, Schweppes Grotto, Malvhina new image, Misleading Slip-ups Award, Urgent Help for Engineering Team, Wilson Memorial.
 NEWSLETTER 67 dated September 2015.
Lodge Fountain repair, Worsley's Well Esher, End of Bottled Water, Bottled Water US, Tunnel Spring and pumping house, Cable Car Terminus proposal, The Final Solution (the shaft).
 NEWSLETTER 66 dated July 2015. 
Westminbster Bank spout decorated, Weird coincidences with Westminster Bank and Fingals Cave at Three Counties Showground, Naming things with Goat Spring and Fingals Cave, Oban and Malvern Hydropathic buildings in ruin, Well Decorating and Founders Prize, New Book launch about Holy Well, Mulberry Tree stop press.
 NEWSLETTER 65 dated May 2015.
Revelation about Holywell, Hay Slad bifurcating properly, Schweppes Grotto, Ruining the Malvern Hills, Narrow Escape for Holywell building and Seltzer Water plus Cora's new book, Willow Tree at Willow Spring, Supermundane springs, New Spring on the Hills?
 NEWSLETTER 64 dated March 2015.
Joanna's Well to be saved, Hay Slad flow problems, Gilsland Spa, Earl Beauchamp's notice and water turned off,  Britain's original National Park and the cable car, Well Decorating theme 2015, Elgar stars in Antiques Programme.
 NEWSLETTER 63 dated January 2015.
Hay Slad water flow, Colwall factory demolished but Tank House remains, Shaw's walking stick, Springs and Wells worldwide fame, Newsletter emailed query, Windlass well pump wants new home, Spring Contamination problems and another suggestion.
 NEWSLETTER 62 dated November 2014.
Elgar and Shaw's spade for Mulberry Tree II planting, Priory Park and Swan Pool upstaged, Southsea shows Malvern how to do it, Stone Bottle Fountain, Heart of England in Bloom contest results, Owls Hole Pump and Engine at the Three Counties Showground, John Hiles meets John Clifford, Reliability of Malvern Springs and Source of the River Thames.
 NEWSLETTER 61 dated September 2014.
The Historic St John's Well and Grotto at Davenham, Gibraltar Stone Bottle, Schweppes Grotto at the Festival of Britain - 100 years of Schweppes Malvern Waters? Contaminated Springs debate, Rose Bank Gardens Well formal unveiling, Springs OR Wells? Mulberry Tree Ambassador arrives from Australia, Owls Hole Pump and Engine dates, Jacob's Fountain on the move again.
 NEWSLETTER 60 dated July 2014.
Life at the Holy Well in the 1950s, Cowleigh Road Pump to be restored, Stone Water Bottle from Gibraltar, Decade of Newsletters, Malvern and Schweppes Grotto, New Discovery - The Dropping Well.

NEWSLETTER 59 dated June 2014.

Well Decorating 2014 and Harpers Gun, Bishop's wife and Stone Bottle Fountain, Colwall Bottling Plant news, Well Rediscovered in Rose Bank Gardens, Contamination Warning flawed, Mulberry Tree planted in park, Coca-Cola bottled water, Founders Award for Back Lane Spouts, Pump and Engine off to new home, Stourhead and St Peters Pump, Smartwater label design.
NEWSLETTER 58 dated April 2014.
Owls Hole Pump and Engine, Holywell Chapel sale, Kyre Park and Grottoes, Drownings in Malvern quarries, Romantic Spring, Memorial to Wilson's memorial, Holy Water versus witches of Malvern, Ellerslie spring, Mulberry Trees and Wells Decorating.  
NEWSLETTER 57 dated March 2014.
Mulberry Trees return to Malvern, Fencing off the hills, Port Adelaide and Chance Bros the Malvern Springs and Wells connection, Cotton Castle, Malvern Grotto upstaged by Mitcham, Peace after War well decorating, Background to Wells Chapel, Heritage Listing at last, Contamination shuts Malvern springs public relations blow. 
NEWSLETTER 56 dated February 2014.
Holywell Chapel Restored, Mulberry Trees on last long journey, Fountains elsewhere - Bulgaria, Isle of  Wight Well Dressing, Painshill and Malvern's Lost Grotto, Dripping Well's Oak Trees, Myrtles Spring accessibility, Legendary Wonkeys. 
NEWSLETTER 55 dated December 2013.
Schweppes Malvern Water Fountain Crystal Palace, Where is the Cat Well ? Croydon Council thwarts fountain vandalism, Coca-Cola first ever bottling works, Saving our Springs and Wells from Vandalism, Droitwich Salt Canal Celebration, Malvern Water at Buckingham Palace, Christmas Gift Special. 
NEWSLETTER 54 dated October 2013.
Fountain of Gold Bendigo, Gullet Quarry tombstoning, Mulberry Tree updates, Gothic Well beyond redemption, Dr Gully's Liverpool Chalybeate Spring,  Friends bottles of Coke, Roly Bayliss legend, 70 words for water. 
NEWSLETTER 53 dated July 2013.
Mulberry Tree Project, St Werstan and the Crypt in the Priory, Springs and Wells in Malvern Australia, Shanghai tale about Brits, Shaw Society in London and the Mulberry Tree, Morden Hall and its Mulberry Tree, Protect our water heritage - Gothic Well, Fun with Spring Water, Disaster at Malvern Spring - Gullett Quarry, Jacob Fountain unveiled again. 
NEWSLETTER 52 dated June 2013.
Well Decorating Founder's Award, Red Riding Hood goes missing, Mulberry Tree in Malvern Australia, Gothic Well lost, Mystery at Earnslaw Quarry, Amazing Archaeology at West Malvern Spa site, Mysterious Iron Posts everywhere.
NEWSLETTER 51 dated March 2013.
Bottling Works Spring St Werstan Award ceremony, Mysterious Iron Posts, Lodge Fountain Facelift, Water Featues Elsewhere - the River Wandle, St Werstan - New Evidence? Spas Elsewhere - Shanklin, Isle of Wight, Book Launch - The Water Doctor's Daughters, Another Mystery - The Fountain Inn.
NEWSLETTER 50 dated February 2013.
St Werstan Award for Bottling Works Spring, Fountains Elsewhere - Eastbourne, Well Digging question answered, Dowsing and water Divining, Water fountain Newport IOW, British Spas Federation Archive, Elsenham Water, Water Contamination, New Malvern Springs Australia, Making Holy Water, Wells House and Holy Well Chapel Restoration.

Email: Bruce@malvernspa.com (click here to send an email)

Website: Click Here


The Newsletter Archive and Index for numbers 1 - 25.
The Newsletter Archive and Index for numbers 26 - 50.
The Newsletter Archive and Index for numbers 51- 75.
The Newsletter Archive and Index for numbers 76 - 100.
The Newsletter Archive and Index for numbers 101 - 125.

Malvern Hills - arguably Britain's original National Park
Springs and Wells General Interest
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